Friday, February 20, 2009


I went to see a chiropractor a few weeks ago to help me with some lower back pain. He helped me by dumping bags of hot sand on my back, strapping my legs to the table, and winching my spine like a water pump.

I left with three sheets of stretches to practice every day.
In order to make them easier for me to remember I redrew them and assigned them all new names.

Daily Stretches*
or at least the names I gave them

  1. Leaning Tower
  2. Snake Choke
  3. Ground Kick
  4. Ankle Biter
  5. Leg Cracker
  6. Floor Captain
  7. Meltdown
  8. Earth Lover
  9. Back Rape
  10. XXX
*please consult a professional before attempting any of the following stretches.

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