Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Appropriation of a Meme

Another meme - shamelessly stolen from facebook and distilled down to its most interesting parts:

[ NOW ]
Current mood: I feel like I left Baltimore a few days before I should have. I miss that craphole a lot more than I did a week ago.
Current taste: tim tams
Current annoyance: Tim tams keep me awake, but I only want to eat them at night!
Current smell: Basement. Old carpet and older tiling.
Current desktop picture: 18th century painting of the future
Current crush: oh god I don't even know anymore

[ DO YOU.. ]
Smoke?: Never tried it.
Remember your first love?: I feel like the older I get the more I understand what "love" is
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Of course. You probably do to, even if you think you don't.
Believe in miracles?: I always leave room for something unexpected.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Faithful to what? I'll love strawberry shortcake until I die! Way to be ambiguous, question.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Tolerant? Like of people I don't like? I tend to avoid rather than confront - I'm workin' on it.
Consider love a mistake?: Love isn't a choice, so how can it be a mistake?
Like the taste of alcohol?: Like pure alchohol? The taste of burning? I do like a strong drink, sipped slow.
Believe in astrology?: Everyone needs a hobby...
Believe in magic?: It's not my nature to believe in magic.
Believe in God?: It's not my nature to believe in magic.
Have an obsession?: Food! Cats! Dogs! Nice pens! Videogames! Other countries! Finely crafted clothings! Isolation breeds obsession, I've been isolated for a while.
Have a secret crush?: always.
Have a best friend?: always
Wish on stars?: I stare at stars. Those dots are larger than any human could ever fathom. Really puts you in your place, man.

Ever been in love?: Yes - though I think that word is a frustrating catch-all for a whole world of emotion.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I think lust at first sight sometimes works out.
Do you believe in "the one?": The Jet-Li movie? I believe it sucked in a hilarious sort of way.
Describe your ideal significant other: Fun, smart, amazing.

Hair: Brown on head, light brown on cheeks, blond moustache - why!?
Height: 6' 4"

Bought: LIRR train ticket: Penn Station to Glen Head
Ate & Drank: Tim tams and milk (I HAVE A PROBLEM, A DELICIOUS PROBLEM)
Watched on TV: Throwdown with Bobby Flay

beer or cider: Nothing is better than fresh cider. You can taste the apples.
cats or dogs: I... choose... BOTH. If you don't like animals I don't like you. Or you lack exposure.
gloves or mittens: Gloves. I'm glad mittens are around, though, to help lobster children feel normal.
coke or pepsi: Coke. It's all about nostalgia. Also their packaging is better.

kill: What? That won't solve anything.
look like: This guy.
avoid: ghosts

Broken the law?: Once I stole a Powerade from an outdoor DC McDonalds. That's what they get for putting mustard on the burgers!
Run away from home?: A couple of times. Once I almost spent the night in a playground.
Been in a fight?: I think in fifth grade I put Adam in a choke hold. I don't really remember.

[ WHAT IS.. ]
Your bedroom like?: I'm not used to staying in a queen bed - I only use a little bit of it for sleeping, the rest is storage.
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: Croissant and coffee...
What's on your bedside table?: Japanese to english dictionary, camera battery charger, pens, loose paper.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: Breakfast food!
Spontaneous or plain?: I plan things one day at a time.
What do you miss most about being little?: Not caring what other people thought about me. I'm getting back there.
Are you happy with your given name? Yes! Sam evokes pretty much all the things I'd want a name to. It's old fashioned without being pretentious - a simple good name. Thank you parents.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: Baltimore homeless people are the worst! New York homeless either leave you alone or have a talent.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Yes. Too nice, maybe.


Sam Thurman said...


Sam Thurman said...

but only for a limited time...