Monday, February 23, 2009

The Beginnings of a Song

So I was sitting with my friend Rachel in a taco shack in the city when "Hurt" by Johnny Cash came on the radio. I explained to Rachel that it was actually a cover of a Nine Inch Nails song - then I realized that I'm missing out on the action; I should cover the song!

So I sat down with my concertina and my rapmaster and set about making my own version. That said, the song is pretty depressing - I might change "hurt" to "hugged."

Here is a (very) rough cut of what I'm working on:



Rachel said...

It was not a shack, man. La Esquina is a corner cafe.
But I am honored to be featured in your blag and I dig the rough-cut :)

Sam Thurman said...

1: No such thing as a Mexican cafe

2: "Taco shack" just sounds better

Chelsea Tredupp said...

i do enjoy your song very much so