Yesterday I was working my way through a hunk of smoked Gouda and watching Dog Whisperer - an amazing combination, by the way - when I had an epiphany: Cesar knows animals, Cesar says animals need exercise to be happy, humans are animals, I am a human -> ergo I need exercise to be happy*. I've been giving my body nothing but praise, and have fallen out of a calm, healthy state.
So I got on my silk long johns**, thermal undershirt, neglected workout shorts and sneakers, and started biking.
Oh fatigue, what a strange beast you are! You vile expanding cloud of hot needles and sparks. First you inflate my lungs to bursting, then pulse through my extremities and settle in my eyeballs, throbbing against my skull to the beat of my racing heart. You torturous bastard!
Nevertheless the sense of victory I feel after overcoming you is almost as overwhelming as your effects. I know every time I face you I will be a bit stronger, and every time I overcome you I will return to the couch a bit more content. Next time I sit down to watch Dog Whisperer I will have earned that Gouda, god dammit.
*via the transitive property
**they're amazing - try them.
***I'm not apologizing for that picture - you knew what you were getting yourself into when you came here.
I don't care what your footnotes say...
seriously, most horrifying picture I've seen in a long time.
Sam. This post makes me miss my bike even more than I already did. Seriously, the whole walk home from class today, I just kept thinking about how much I want to be riding my bike. Hopefully spring break will have pleasant enough weather that I can make full use of my week home to ride and ride and ride.
Also, that picture is hilariously creepy and awesome.
High five for using the transitive property to explain EVERYTHING!
If all I got out of Geometry class was that little beauty, I'm set for life.
Also, congratulations. You have more drive and motivation than I, who is writing this while stuffing my face with ketchup-mayo chips.* Mmm...
* UK chips, that is.
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