Monday, February 2, 2009

SNES Junkie

I'd rather not formalize this any more than I have to. I know it's customary at NA for a junkie to stand and make a declaration of his vice. We all know the format.

Instead I will, honestly, come clean: I'm back on the SNES. I started using yesterday, and everything's pretty much been a blur since. A gloriously magical, pixelated blur.

And there is something magical about Super Nintendo. Something that numbs my mind. It could be that the many small triumphs that come with a SNES game are a favorable alternative to reality. Maybe its the connection I have come to feel with the small teams who created these games. Maybe staring at an eight inch flickering, distorted little person for eight hours tricks my brain into a coma.

I come from a family of alchoholics with eating disorders*. Somehow I've managed to avoid all the traditional addictions that have wilted my family tree. Today when I stumbled out of the dark basement I cought a glimpse of myself in the mirror - unwashed, glasses akimbo, eyes glazed over, pupils dialated - and I realized that gaming for me isn't just a habit, it's an addiction.

*also they're great people. Just so you know.

I started playing Chrono Trigger yesterday. I have beaten it nine times already, twice not including "new game +". I am 18 hours in, and on track to beat it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Krissy said...

*sigh* This is all my fault isn't it? I brought the CT fit on... I'm ashamed.