Saturday, December 27, 2008

JAPAN: why? (Part II)

Why Japan?
part two: I am a nerd

I was by far the youngest of three children. My brothers, eight and nine years older than me, were too filled with grunge angst to play a major part in my development. My parents, jaded by raising my brothers, allowed me plenty of time to pursue my own interests. So, with all this free time and a borderline attention deficit kid brain what was I to do?

Why, play videogames, of course!

Videogames fueled my imagination. They provided me with dozens of characters to write stories or draw pictures about. As a child I spent most of my free time concocting ideas for new videogames - scribbling out schematics for levels and character relationships in my free time.

Eventually I wanted to seek out the source of my inspiration. Only one culture could produce the bizarre cast of characters I fondly remember as childhood heroes. Rather than go into detail, I'm going to make a list!

My Videogame Heroes
-(circa 1997)-

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Cloud fell in at 7 eh? That's either ironic or proper.... Cloud isn't exactly the most awesome hero in the game world.

As for myself... I don't really know if I have a list. Perhaps it's just different for girls? I liked Sonic a whole lot, but that's probably only because I grew up with the Sega. At any rate, there really is no greater reason to go to Japan, save for the food, culture, innovating architecture, attractive people and so on... but I assume that there will be more of these. :P