Sunday, December 21, 2008

ready, set, GROW!

Hey gang. Guess what? I am going to Japan. Everything worked out for me in the end, so please ignore that first post <3. My second semester will be in Osaka prefecture.
Oh, also it will start in April.

And so I find myself on a four month(or so) forced hiatus. In times such as these my first instinct is to build a pillow fort in front of the TV and not leave until: (a) vacation is over, or (b) the TV rays have reduced my brain to the consistency of lukewarm junket.

In order to keep myself interesting I've made a list of goals:

(in order of cognition)
  1. Grow a beard.
  2. Write something every day (this counts)
  3. learn to play the concertina.
  4. get the comic battle blog started (more on this later)
  5. learn Japanese
  6. buy a hat
(fig 2: Grow a beard.)

This blog is going to follow all my pre-Japan antics. Also, it will be my Japan blog. Also it will be awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Alyssa!


But that's just me, I don't prefer facial hair. :)

Sounds like an awesome endeavor though! Although it's a bummer that you have a whole four months in-between. You're welcome to check out my endeavors in Italia! :D