And if you were as tall as me, you would be too.
It works out like this: I enter into the bathroom and slide into a stall. I then, with the grace of a dancer close the door, lock the door, and lift the toilet lid all without using my feet. For a moment I reflect on my skill - how clever I am, locking the door with my foot . How skilled. It's at that point I realize that the stall around me is only tall enough to shield me from the nose down.
Instantly I panic. All it would take is one other tall person - perhaps one similarly disgusted by the prospect of an open-air urinal - to drop trau in an adjacent stall to urinate. I would suddenly be at eye level with a peeing man. We would never aknowledge eachother's presence, desperately trying to urinate as fast as possible and escape. Awkward.
I thought about all this as I sipped my third rum and coke - a beverage I consume mostly because I don't know enough about alchohol to get anything else - weighing this negative against the positive: my kidneys not exploding.
I wonder if the girl I was next to - a girl who referred to herself as my brothers' band's "like, only groupie or something" - could sense that I found bathroom etiquette much more interesting than how her ride like totally left her, or how shit-faced she was.
1 comment:
You know, the gals were all wondering if you found our shower too small. Forgot to ask as that would have been an interesting topic of conversation.
ps- gots new poster, need your long arms again.
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