Sunday, January 25, 2009

Condemned 2: bloodshot

Most of the time when I play a videogame I assume that the main guy is going to be better at videogame things than I am.

In Condemned 2 Ethan fits the bill most of the time.

He can get wasted and wander into a room full of swat troops, swing his gun firing wildly, and somehow pop all of their heads like water balloons. He can walk away from most gunshot wounds - if he really has to he can pop some pills to take care of the serious wounds. He can also make CSI-level crime scene deductions with little more than a blacklight and a cell phone. I can't do any of these things.

I can, however, throw small objects short distances relatively accurately. Nathan lacks this ability. When faced with a vial full of explosive gas and a nearby open window he chooses instead to aim for the window sill. Or the wall. Or a chair. The fact that I can load back just to see him relive his thumb-fisted* ineptitude is more torture than privilege. I'm tempted to pitch my controller at the screen - if not only to show how broken that game mechanic is in comparison.

Other than that the game is pretty fun so far.

*I went ahead and made that term up. For some reason, I think it makes sense?

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