Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ring the Concertina!

My goal in playing the concertina is to play something at publicly at MICA. I've decided on my first real song! I'm working out how to play it now. What song is it? Unfortunately it's a secret for now...

Some facts about the concertina:

  • It's impossible to play without making retarded faces
  • finding music for it is next to impossible
  • It's real good at playing sea shanties...
  • ... but playing anything else on it takes some... thought.
  • chicks love it!*
Maybe once I get my shit together, I'll youtube me playing this song (in my basement)!



John Rocco Jennette said...

If anyone can pull off retarded faces, sea shanties, and attracting hypothetically unsubstantiated females, it would be you, Sam. Go get em!

Yvonne said...

Sounds like a coffeehouse performance! Let me know when do you so I can remember to show up and go see, haha. Actually though, are you able to come perform during the semester you are supposedly out of the country? haha.