Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I sat outside in the snow for a while in a lawn chair today. I was seduced by the cold smell of the winter air and the light crackle of the falling snow.

The snow in the sky diffused the sun's light, making the surrounding houses look fake. I was surrounded by a village of supersized miniatures - as if an evil scientist had reverse-shrink-rayed a train set.

I've always held contempt for most of the people who live here - stoners, slackers, yuppies, wannabe punks and the dejected suburban youth. The kids here have no boundaries. I imagine their parents thought transporting them to this Rockwellian village was parenting enough.

Nevertheless, there is something here I could never get in the city. Space. And Time. And quiet. Here I can sit in a chair and digest the sound of the falling snow. It's a luxury.

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