Thursday, January 8, 2009

Worn Out.

I'm pretty worn out, so I'm just going to go on for a bit here and then go to sleep.

I just finished playing Rock Band (the videogame) for a few hours with my friend Mike. Specifically, I was playing the [fake] drums. I'm exhausted.

My right leg feels like I just hopped a one-legged marathon. I'm guessing, of course. I imagine they don't really have one-legged marathons - I bet if they did they would be dominated by amputees.

My right arm has gone limp. Fake drums will do that to me. My "typing" has devolved into my left hand trying to guide my right arm as it haphazardly slaps and prods at the keyboard. Right hand, you have just been demoted to shift button duty.

I think I've forgotten what real excercise feels like. I think I did in high school, but I'm not sure. I've blocked out most of my memories from those days. It's better that way.

Regardless, I know something's wrong. My supper today consisted of a large bowl of chili, a burrito, half a plate of nachos, and another large bowl of chili - eventually this is going to catch up with me.

I have to get some excercise.

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